Saturday, 22 March 2014

Who Drives the Price of Gold / ADX indicator for Gold / Golden Crosses / Charles Nenner

Anyone following the gold and mining market is likely to find (perma) bullish opinion at sites like King World News. While they do carry a few interesting interviews it is well to also follow some of the traders who take a more critical view of some of the more dramatic claims of the "gold gurus" and have been more wary of the 2014 advance, without simply being gold perma-bears or sceptics  ........

Deep Mine / Narrow Vein Technology

The pressures on profitability in the mining industry should lead to step changes in innovation and technology. As good grade near surface is harder to find the potential to mechanise high grade deep underground should become more appealing with the right technologies.
Anglogold are making substantial investments to improve South African deep mine economics.
Rocmec discussed narrow vein mining innovations at PDAC.
If these technologies can prove themselves old mining areas may see renewed interest.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Eric Coffin - A New Resource Bull

Eric Coffin of Hard Rock Advisory is one of the more experienced and respected voices in the sector.

Mines & Money Hong Kong 2014

After PDAC the Hong Kong Conference seems to be growing in importance as a melting pot of Canadian, Aussie and UK listed miners chase Asian money.
An apparently long list of over 400 financiers and investment companies attend, though a tidy up of the duplications might look more professional.
And plenty of Exhibitors
Including Miners & Explorers 

Investing in Mineral Discoveries - Steve Todoruk at Sprott

HT IKN ........

Income & Value Investors Look to the Miners

Buying by general investment funds Artemis Income Fund and Old Mutual UK Alpha Fund.
The most significant change has been in the management of the mining companies. The CEOs of Rio TintoAnglo American and BHP Billiton have all stepped down. Efforts are being made to bring costs under control and some companies have increased the amount they are returning to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.
Following their recent poor performance, valuations are also starting to look attractive and this is gaining the attention of investors...........................................
We are encouraged by the fact that the forecasts and outlook for miners already incorporate falling commodity prices yet the resultant cash flows and dividend potential still looks attractive. 

Monday, 17 March 2014

PDAC-14 Leading Stocks - Interactive

The past few years has seen the development of advanced interactive graphical analysis tools reach the mass market. Gartner's "Magic Quadrant" puts Tableau near the top in their analysis.
The dashboard below takes the PDAC stock watchlists (and these rely on google finance data so please always double check) and makes the analysis of stronger performing stocks more visual and interactive. Also note that the datalink is via google / via excel (!!) so I will note the last refresh date here:
Refresh 15th March 2014.
To interact drag the sliders, highlight areas of the chart on the right or click to re-sort the values in the left hand graphs

HT - Inca Kola News - IKN

Thanks to Otto at Inca Kola for recommending his readers to stop by here.

OT - Springtime

Daffodils along York's city walls.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Sunday, 9 March 2014

PDAC 2014 News - Reviews and Stock Picks

Catching up on some of the PDAC 2014.

Jurisdiction Risk - Fraser Institute Survey 2013

The Fraser Institutes Annual Ranking of Mining Jurisdictions is published for 2013
Summary HERE
The top 10 most attractive jurisdictions for investment worldwide include (from the top) Sweden, Finland, Alberta, Ireland, Wyoming, Western Australia, New Brunswick, Nevada, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Norway.

How Serious Junior Miners are Separating from the Pack

At the Financial Post.
These companies do not need to have world-class deposits with 10 million ounces of gold or 20 billion pounds of copper. In fact, investors are likely to shun projects like that, because they are too large and risky in the current environment. No one wants to see another Tasiast or (even worse) a Pascua-Lama. All these companies need is an economic discovery and a logical path to production, and investors will take it.
"Projects are being scrubbed down to a nugget that works,

A Tax on Ignorance and Inflation - Pensions and Government Debt

An interesting article by Merryn Somerset Webb in the Weekend FT.