Friday, 29 June 2012

Brent Cook Gold Stock Picks

Brent Cook is a very well regarded Economic Geologist who has advised particular caution in the juniors since late 2011. He has a premium paid service, which also offers much free insight at

His latest interview at The Gold Report, well worth reading in full......

Bill Gross - Pimco - Clean Dirty Shirts not forever thus

Bill Gross, the "Bond King" at Pimco highlighting the safety / risk dynamic of US government debt.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Gold as Tier 1 Asset - You read it here first

Well actually you'd have read it at FT Alphaville, reporting on gold's consideration for Tier 1 Asset status, held as collateral at 100% of value, discussed here

This story has been picked up a lot more since, for example

The US FDIC is considering the BIS proposals

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Updated Gold Explorer Valuation Tables

Updated at Stockhouse.

Emphasises the importance of likely capital costs and production costs/oz before judging under-valuation on a simplistic EV/oz basis.

Friday, 22 June 2012

The Golden Dilemma

I am bookmarking this to read more thoroughly, the conclusions seem to point to gold being "under-owned" by general investors and emerging market central banks, a commonly stated view of the gold market. The authors see this driving prices higher as ownership changes.

Something I have never really understood is who owns the world's 130,000 tonnes or so of gold now. The Central Banks and ETFs hold at most 1/3 ?

Who will be selling at higher prices to those who are currently under-invested?


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Monthly Gold Pattern Bullish

Good charts at Fractal Gold, showing consolidation triangle in gold since Sept-11, though Nichols warns of a potential dip to $1400 to slingshot back.
FOMC 20th June should set direction

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Goldminers and Royalty Companies Piling Up Cash - Driving Mergers & Acquisitions ?

Discussion of Australian Gold miners piling up cash.

And here suggestions that the Royalty companies are in a strong position to fund juniors.

The Bull Case for Gold Mining Stocks - PragCap

A well presented case for the miners, well timed, written mid May

Gold Junior Economics - Staged development

A number of juniors revisiting production studies to reduce initial capital and allow staged investment to production.
Interesting article here.
Some of the very small juniors are targeting near term production to fund further development.

John Hathaway of Tocqueville Gold Fund - Gold Miners to Lead

An excellent interview with John Hathaway anticipating Tocquville's report to come out on 30th June.

Bob Hoye - A New Bull Market for Gold Stocks? Gold Miners are Winners during Deflation

An Interview with Bob Hoye discussing the "post bubble deflation" and the increase in the real price of gold driving profits for the miners.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Increasing Interest in Exploration Projects for Mining Acquisitions

A Review of Mining Merger & Acquisition activity by Ernst & Young.
Emphasising Canada for "Good Jurisdiction" and transactions in the junior explorers.

“Canada is fast becoming a go-to destination for mining and metals transactions as companies around the world look for a secure and stable environment amid ongoing market and political volatility,” says Richard Crosson, Partner in Ernst & Young’s Transaction Advisory Services practice. “We’ve seen a number of deals, many being small domestic transactions targeting junior explorers and exploration properties.”

Have Gold, Silver and Mining Stocks Bottomed

A good review from Jack Jones. Here.

"The next few months will tell the real story, but in the longer term this may go down as an unbelievable buying opportunity that most investors will miss entirely."

Monday, 4 June 2012

Good Jurisdiction - Mining in the Americas - PWC 2012

A quick review of country risk for miners in the Americas. Consider alongside the Behr Dolbear and Fraser Institute Surveys also linked on this blog. - Here