Thursday, 27 February 2014

Brent Cook - Discussion with Scott Gibson

Mining companies have to prove to market they can make money. High grading sterilising deposits. Accumulate the few legitimate deposits and exploration groups. Wake up to too few deposits next year. Identify lowest quartile cost projects.

PDAC 2014 - Coreshack Stocklist

The PDAC convention is the big annual mining exhibition in Toronto, running from Sunday 2nd to Wednesday 5th March.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Gold Miner Bulls and Bears

Many gold-analysts seem to be seeing positive technical signals in gold and the miners as prices move above 50 and 200 day averages, though plenty expect a retest.

BMO Metals & Mining Conference 2014

The big BMO institutional conference before PDAC.
Expect podcasts in a week or two HERE and links to previous conferences.
BMO's teamtransactions and biases.
Last Year's 2013 Metals & Mining Research 200pp company coverage.

Mining's Cycle - Quinton Hennigh

An article dating back to 2012, Quinton Hennigh, an industry geologist who also writes with Brent Cook at Exploration Insights, suggests we should expect a pivot point where gold mining and exploration proliferate.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Brent Cook & John Kaiser Discuss Markets and Stock Picks

Al Korelin discussion with Cook & Kaiser and others
Interesting to see the different approach of the industry geo, Cook, looking for deposits that work at low metal prices, against the investor looking for leverage to a higher metal price, and the swing from being priced for bankruptcy to profit by Mymikan Capital's Dan Oliver.

Brent Cook - Peak Discovery

A great article by Brent Cook outlining some of the miners' problems which drive him to believe there will be growing demand for quality discoveries and deposits.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Sheldon Inwentash Insider Positions

Inca Kola points to Kip Keen's article at Mineweb discussing the limited volumes coming into the miners on the venture exchange and how the oil dominated venture index can give some misleading signals, as I

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Bounces in Hinde's 90 Percent Club

Hinde Capital ran an article in October 2013 listing some of the biggest fallers in the mining sector, down 90% or more from their old highs - HERE
They highlighted that prices were falling below cost of production.
Below is a watchlist of the stocks. A number of things to note.......

$10bn Wall of Funding waiting in the Mining Sector's Wings

Article at Mineweb
“the money is getting stuck in the funds and not being invested, mainly because the fund managers are doing far more comprehensive due diligences than have previously been done and not everyone is managing to jump the hurdles.” Much of the reason for this, Tyler explains, is that there has been a significant difference between the type of returns that have been promised and what has been delivered.“In the past you had to have a good deposit if you wanted to raise funds, but now you have to have a good deposit and good management. In the past we have had good deposits ruined by poor management; it is easy to do the calculations on the geology, it is hard to do the due diligence on management.”
 Investors have said to the majors, stop investing capex in projects which can’t justify a return, start giving back capital to us as your shareholders 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Aussie Miners - Eight Elephants - Tony Locantro / MacQuarie Gold Equities

Article at The Digger follow "Download" for the PDF - or HERE
Regardless of the negativity and paranoia surrounding the junior resource sector, there will still be companies graduating through the ranks to the mid-caps.......even though they are rare
More general review of Aussie Gold Miners - July 2013 MacQuarie Sifting through the Ashes

Roulston & Coffin Gold Stock Picks

Lawrence Roulston discussing buying HERE - .....more

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Saturday, 1 February 2014

OT - Nineties Night - Oasis - Cigarettes & Alcohol

Back in the day, when the Blues were the Other Manchester team, playing at Maine Road, while the class of 92 lived the dream at Old Trafford.   How times change.
Oasis Definitely Maybe, the first and the best, the sound of the City.