As ever beware all interests and biases.
How are they trading?
Brokers & Analysts
- Raymond James Picks - HERE and HERE
- Canaccord Picks - HERE and HERE
- Stonecap Securities - HERE
- Liberum - HERE
- Barclays - HERE - only one miner
- RBC - HERE - only one miner/streamer
Other Articles
- At Infobarrel - HERE
- Motley Fool - Christopher Barker - Part 1 - HERE - Part 2 - HERE - note comments : twitter to follow HERE
- Cramer - HERE - No Miners
- Barron's - HERE - No Miners
- USA Today Round Table - HERE - No specific Miners, one general
- The Australian - Tim Blue - HERE - large range of Aussie juniors and stories
Discussion Board Competitions
See previous years for successes and plenty of failures.
- Investor Village Precious Metals Board - HERE (see top bar for links to annual sheets)
- SI Investor "Ride the Tiger" Board - Here - Links to Various Annual Sheets
A lot of these small gold ming stocks are a hit the jackpot or go bust..