Thursday, 31 October 2013

Monday, 28 October 2013

Junior Gold Mining M&A - B2 Gold to Buy Volta Resources

Growth Consolidator B2 Gold has announced another acquisition, Burkina Faso based Volta Resources.
In an all stock deal Volta is valued at approx $60-70m for a low grade 5m oz resource. .....more ......

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Incrementum 50 Gold Charts

This has been out for a while - 50 charts from Incrementum
One of their charts correlating Central Bank balance sheets and Gold referred to HERE by Titan Investment

Drill Hole Results Database

A new service I noticed "Gradewise" looks to be associated with "Corebox"
I have linked both on the "Geology / Visual Deposits" right side bars.
Early stage junior exploration isn't a popular investment area at the moment but for everyone who wishes they bought Atac at 10c, after great drill results in 2008 but before a run to near $10 it is always worth keeping an eye out for great drill results in bad markets.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Gold Prices Ready to Take Off Again - Larry Edelson

Edelson has a good record in staying well away from gold and the miners since calling the gold market top, a little early, in 2011. ......more.....

OT - Morrissey Autobiography - Johnny Marr interview

Not sure I could read through this but perhaps I should.
Morrissey's lyrics. Marr's guitar.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Gold Mines to Build

Stories of financing and construction for two juniors this week

Torex has been one of the stronger stocks through the downturn with a $700m+ market cap, backed by high cash  from financing, though price has still halved from 2012 peak -  announced the start of mine construction this week at the Morelos property.

Asanko Gold (previously Keegan) raised $150m debt financing, conditional on DFS, from Red Kite meaning Esaase Gold mine should be fully financed.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

John Doody - Gold Mining Stocks Bottom and Undervaluation

Steve Sjuggerud often recommends John Doody's work and points to his call of a June bottom in mining stocks back in July 2013. Also looking to undervaluation indicator.........more .....

Canadian Venture Breaks out of 2 Year Downtrend ?

A number of technicians are pointing to potential bottoming since June and a breakout on the Canadian Venture Exchange. ....... more

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Australian Geoscience - Gold Deposits & Exploration

The Australian Government maintains an active interest in their mineral exploration and production sector. Given the current woes of the Canadian venture exchange perhaps more opportunities will open for the Australian financiers, or perhaps the woes are shared, just more vocal in the US & Canada?......more

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Mining M&A Decline - Ripe for Consolidation ?

Bloomberg article questioning where the buyers of junior deposits will come from.
Vancouver Venture and recent articles posted here suggest value investors and Private Equity could be looking to consolidate - money may come from outside the sector.....more

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Brent Cook on Pretium Resources

Pretium has been one of the few gold juniors to maintain a reasonable performance in 2013 given an apparently large very high grade resource, following elections in BC seen as favourable for development, cash in the treasury and the experienced Bob Quartermain at the helm.
However recent news that Strathcona resigned from the bulk sampling project has deepened serious concerns, primarily around grade continuity, and a plunge in the stock price.
Analysis from Brent Cook dating back to June 2013
and IKN from August 2013
While Bob Quartermain defends HERE - but IKN questions this above...
Metal Augmentor suggest that the bulk mining option was always very ambitious and selective high grade mining and potential later bulk mining can still be followed.

Casey's Junior Gold Portfolio

March 2013 pre-PDAC recommendations referenced with some scepticism by Otto at IKN given poor performance since, though that would be true of many.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Rick Rule Interview - Divergent Opinions at Sprott?

Interview with Rick Rule - HERE
A lot of the same as always quotes - "Be a contrarian or be a victim" etc, some truth. Also
But what it also says that’s very beneficial for the long term is that the mining industry is beginning to understand that they have to deliver something besides production. They have to deliver profits............I think the damage in the juniors has been extensive enough that I am personally of the view that the very best issuers are cheap enough. It isn’t to say that they couldn’t get cheaper but my own personal bias is much more on the long side than on the short side with the best issuers.
there is a dearth of projects that make really good returns on capital employed at these gold prices. So the juniors ......that make good discoveries or the companies that are still advancing on very economic feasibility studies will get taken over in the next 18 months. 
 Interestingly points to divergent opinions within Sprott. ........more....

Private Equity Target Natural Resources ? Denver Gold Show Best Attended in History as Institutions look for value?

A number of PE companies are raising funds with mining targets, 77 funds solely targeting natural resources

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Wandering Greg Gibson

Greg Gibson features on the "Good People Good Projects" page as someone to keep an eye on after he sold Trelawny to Iamgold for $585m in 2012, in hindsight an excellent deal for Trelawny shareholders in a project some cast doubt on. Since then Gibson has taken on directorships across Canadian Gold Mining.

Silver Mining M&A - Hochschild Buy International Minerals

Hochschild were recently noted as being on the lookout for acquisitions.....more.....